Who are we?
DISTRIBUTION EXPRESS (DITEX) Sarl is a company specialized in Commodity Trading, Import-Export, Telematics (GPS Tracking) and Mobility Solutions, offering exceptional facilities and customized solutions.
Aware of the constraints faced by African importers in raising Bank Payment Guarantee Instruments, or in having full funds available before ordering their goods, we grant facilities to ship goods on the basis of minimum bank guarantees that can be obtained from local or international banks. Upon arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyer pays immediately or later, depending on agreements with suppliers.
Our Values
All our stakeholders are integrated into our processes, so as to ensure that our services are tailored to their needs. In this way, we aim not only to deliver quality services to our stakeholders, but also to work together to develop solutions that effectively meet their needs, while taking their constraints into account.
In our practice of co-elaboration, we see ourselves and the stakeholders in our business as members of the same community of agents, in which everyone has a role to play. Within this community, we feel a shared responsibility to work together so that each member achieves his or her objectives.
We only bring to a market solutions, concepts or business models that do not yet exist there. We make Research & Development the cornerstone of our business, so that we can evolve our solutions and create new ones in line with the changing needs of our targets. Innovation concerns not only our products and services, but also our approaches, processes and production tools, so that we can be original, adopt or drive change.
Result is the only name of our game! In our practice of "Play to win or not to play", the only thing we value is the Result. So the time spent, the sacrifices made, the resources deployed, the intentions nurtured, the strategies applied are only justified if they lead to the desired result.
The satisfaction of our customers and partners is the ultimate objective of our actions. It is the barometer of our performance and the sole source of our own satisfaction.
Rue Drouot, Akwa, Douala - Cameroon
1st Floor, Suite 4, Europa House, Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Phone | WhatsApp
+237 650 692 583